August 2016 - Preliminary Idea and Patent Registration

In recent years, Parcitank has been characterised for being an innovative company with great technological developments and a high number of patents on its credit. For this reason, a study by the London Stock Exchange selected Parcitank in 2016 and 2017 as one of the 75 most inspiring Spanish SMEs for Europe and among the 1000 leading SMEs in business growth. Learn more about this news in the following links:

This project was born during summer 2016 when the current project’s director read a new about LED lighting and agriculture revolution which will be able to revolutionize agriculture in the next years. From this news, the idea of integrating vertical cultivation with artificial light inside a modular and isothermal stainless-steel tank was arisen. The main advantage over the rest of the systems would be the great rate of cultivation area vs. occupied surface. However, an elevator integrated inside the tank, would allow access to the different cultivation levels and, at the same time, would serve as work area.

In August of the last year, Parcitank presents the necessary documentation to apply for the Farmitank national and international patent. This patent is registered under the tittle “TANK HOUSING A VERTICAL FARM” being the inventor D. Vicente Parra Cebrián, CEO of Grupo Polalsa.

We can say that this patent request is the star of the Farmitank project, as from this date it is when the design and search for collaborators starts to carry out the project succesfully.

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